Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

There seems to be a great deal of apprehension regarding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms these days. I am one of those who has questioned the bureau's activities, but there had been no reasonable response from U.S. representatives and senators. Let me add one more of my concerns.

Why would the BATF need a fleet (somewhere between 14 and 22, according to my sources) of OV-10D Bronco aircraft? This is a military attack plane equipped with sophisticated electronic equipment. It is capable of carrying and dispensing missiles or bombs. These planes are maintained and flown at huge expense to taxpayers, and I feel we are entitled to know their purpose.

The next item concerns a report in the Houston Chronicle about BATF and military operations where apparent machine-gun fire had residents diving behind walls and under beds at a public housing project. They apparently were firing blanks during some assault-style maneuvers. Why?

I believe the citizens of Missouri are entitled to a response to these concerns from our elected federal officials.

