Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

We have read millions of words about the failure of almost everything in this country, and nearly every article expresses a feeling of perplexity as to why this is so. The answer can be summed up with only four words: Socialism simply doesn't work.

It matters not at all whether you call it by its proper name or if you call it democracy, it still works the same.

Any time a government controls everything, that is socialism. The very fact that our government officials try to hide this fact from the people is reason enough to know that socialism isn't good for the country or its people.

Socialism has been tried in about every country at one time or another and has never stood the test of time.

It will thrive for a while to the benefit of the officials and the parasites who live off it, but when it destroys the middle class, as it always does, it will collapse.

After all, the middle class is comparable to the goose that lays the golden eggs. When the goose is dead, there are no more eggs to be had by anyone.


Cape Girardeau