Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

On Feb. 16, the U.S. delegate to the United Nations signed the U.N. Constitution on the Rights of the Child. Among the absurdities to be imposed on American families, if ratified by Congress:

Article 13: Free expression, meaning children can express themselves in any way and not be reprimanded.

Article 14: Parents have no right to be a religious influence.

Article 16: Children have a right to privacy, and parents lose the right to intervene.

Article 28: The state will ensure the child's rights to proper schooling, which could do away with home schooling.

This legislation is based on the false assumption that human nature is inherently good and that children have no need of instruction from adults. As a contrast to this godless philosophy, the Christian worldview teach that children need loving guidance to learn the difference between right and wrong. They must be instructed on how to live responsibly in the real world. The myriad problems in our nation today large result from the breakdown of the biblical family unit. Let's don't allow this digression to continue. Write Congress and the president to make your displeasure known. More importantly, get involved in one of the churches that can help you restore and strengthen your family.


New Plymouth Community Church

Cape Girardeau