Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

After Missouri Treasurer Bob Holden's recent talk in Cape Girardeau on the future of Missouri, I brought up a big future Missouri expenditure: the earthquake everyone knows will hith the New Madrid Fault. With an ever-increasing number of earthquakes all over the world almost every month, the New Madrid quake becomes more certain and could happen any time. A large area would be devastated, particularly us in the Bootheel up to St. Louis.

To save hundreds of lives and htousands of houses and businesses, all structures need to be strengthened. The only way to do that is to bring in experienced engineers and evaluate our homes and businesses in detail. Then each owner should make the necessary repairs. To make this possible, Missouri should reimburse the owners by letting them deduct these expenses from their income taxes until the total extra cost is paid for.

This wouldn't strap Missouri, for the deduction would be made over several years, during this time Missouri's income usually increases. And this would certainly be better than the huge costs the state would bear if it had to take it all in the year the future quake happens. To me this would be financial planning at its best. And wouldn't it be better to save the lives of many Missourians who would never pay any more Missouri income taxes after they are killed?

Since it would cost Missouri nothing now, and the future expenses could be included in future budgets, economically it is sound. Humanitarily it is absolutely necessary.


Cape Girardeau