Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Most politicians today are only too willing to leave aside their religious convictions when they take part in public life. Take, for example, the approval of the presidential decision (in contradiction to the position of Congress) of the shameful veto of the partial-birth abortion plan (a plan for half-born babies to have their brains sucked out). The veto in practice amounts to a brutal act of aggression against innocent human life and the inalienable human rights of the unborn. Clinton's veto is a monstrous act and should provide a providential occasion for voters to unite on this issue.

Every Christian has the right to do all in his power to ensure that the laws of his country conform as closely as possible to the laws of God. A Christian people should not be governed by unbelievers, atheists or anti-clericals. Is it reasonable to believe that all we have to do is pray and then presume God will remove those evils we ourselves can and must fight? As a Christian, support for public office only those men and women who deserve your Christian support. Pray and also vote.


New Madrid