Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am writing to express my support for Proposition A, which will be on the Nov. 5 ballot. Proposition A, if passed, would increase the minimum wage for Missouri workers to $6.25 per hour. The new federal legislation mandated an increase in the minimum wage to $4.75 per hour on Oct. 1. This is a step in the right direction, but it simply isn't enough. Even with the federally mandated increase, the buying power of the minimum-wage worker is less than it was in the 1960s and 1970s. The increase to $6.25 would bring a family of three just to the federal poverty level.

Opponents of Proposition A have offered a number of arguments to support their position. They claim that the increase would cause a subsequent increase in the price of goods and services. While it is true that the cost of labor would increase, it is necessary to factor in the increased spending power of those affected and the resulting stimulation of the local economy. Additionally, extra tax dollars would be generated, and fewer individuals would find it necessary to seek public assistance when paid a living wage. Studies of minimum-wage increase in New Jersey and California have shown an increase in job availability and increased productivity.

People who work in minimum-wage jobs are doing the responsible thing: They are working hard to support their families. They aren't just teen-agers. Two thirds of minimum-wage workers are adults. The citizens of Missouri need to do the responsible thing and make sure that these hard-working individuals earn a living wage.


Cape Girardeau