Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It seems the devil has entered the world of Christianity in all phases of denominations. Hate has taken hold, hate for persons of different colors, hat for people of different opinions, hate for persons of different sexual roles, hate for people of different nationalities, hate for the animal kingdom and hate for God's environment. Hate is being preached in churches all across the land.

God's house is meant to be a place of love, love for all creatures great and small. Let's leave the hate and get back to basic love. Churches of all denominations need to clean up their own houses. No one is better than the other. Animals and the environment are God's creation. No one has the right to tell another how to run their lives, providing it is conducted within the laws of our land. Tolerance is godly. God is love. Hate is ungodly. Christianity belongs in God's house, whether it is church or one's own home.


Cape Girardeau