Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Delivering tax relief to Missouri's families has been a goal of mine for over three years now. I tried to get this by sponsoring an idea to eliminate the state sales tax on food (3 cents per dollar) but have been fought by the governor and the House Democrats. What a shock, then, to open the newspaper and find out that these opponents to the plan are now promoting it.

For the governor to say he's finishing what he started indicates he promoted or possibly wrote the legislation which I sponsored for three years and which he opposed through the testimony and action of his chief budget analyst and legislative leadership. In fact, he and his Democrat tax team so opposed elimination of this tax that when the Democrats stole a piece of my idea, they refused to even put my bill number on it as a contributor. Simply put, they would not stand for the elimination of this tax.

The Democrat speaker of the House says he'll make this priority legislation next session. Then why on April 25 and May 13 did he refuse to recognize a vote on the elimination of this state sales tax on food? The promise of him and the governor to support this legislation next January is a promise which rings hollow. With their support three months ago, Missourians would already be seeing the benefits of buying an extra gallon of milk, having lower grocery bills and buying extra cans of baby formula. I promise you that I will file this bill again next session. This may be the longest proposed tax cut in our state's history, and we'll go to the mat for it again, those of us who truly believe in it.

Missourians have been harmed by this very regressive tax, and letting people buy their basic necessity, food, untaxed is a good thing for every Missourian. In an election year, I guess the governor realizes it's a good idea for him too, but only if sponsored by a Democrat. Tax relief or tax politics? You decide.


District 16

St. Peters, Mo.