Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

We have just witnessed the ingathering of the Republican Party at its national convention. The Republicans paraded old voices, old faces and old themes. The silent but resounding old theme was "just say no" to women.

An examination of some of the issues is as follows: Bob Dole wanted to eliminate the Violence Against Women Act. Dole voted against putting more police on the streets and having fewer guns. Dole doesn't support a woman's right to choose. Dole would cut student loans. Dole both filibustered and voted against the Family and Medical Leave Act. Dole wants to eliminate affirmative action. Dole isn't sure that tobacco is addictive and isn't concerned about children's access to tobacco products. And, when his daughter had to write notes to her father to gain attention, Dole was too busy for his daughter.

Although the Republicans, when the cameras were focused, made a token effort to bridge the gender gap, their message is still "just say no" to women.

