Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

It is sometimes difficult for parents to accept the fact that a child is physically handicapped. That is why they are often reluctant in seeking help, think perhaps time will alter the situation.

Suzanne Holland's fine work, however, with Easter Seals has altered that attitude among parents. Her compassion, patience, understanding and love have gained the confidence of many. She is credited with possessing the essential factor of success. She love children, and they loved her. Her slogan of respect and expect is such a fine thought for everyone to live by.

Suzanne Holland can be credited with handling problems of handicapped children that even parents found it difficult to do. The Easter Seals organization is a blessing to all.

Everyone regrets to see Suzanne Holland leave this area. At the same time, we are confident higher grounds lie ahead for her.

We thank her for the strength, joy and encouragement she gave so many people in accepting any disability they were found to have. Also, for the tremendous help she has given so many. Her fine quality can be described as a gift certainly to be rewarded for her.


Cape Girardeau