Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In the past month three letters to the editor have shown very clearly how completely bankrupt the liberal perspective is. One letter made the ridiculous claim that Mr. Clinton was doing a "magnificent job as president." Does "magnificent" refer to the Whitewater coverup, the FBI files scandal, the "magnificent" but failed attempt to socialize the nation's medical system, he "magnificent" vetoes of welfare reform and balanced budgets or his "magnificent" example of failed moral leadership in vetoing the ban on unspeakable horrible partial-birth abortions? I admit his "magnificence" at making a lie sound like truth and convincing many Americans that he is no longer a liberal-socialist Democrat.

We then have Alan Journet's handwringing about how the Republican Contract With America would devastate our nation's environment. The contract was and still is an attempt to restore sanity to a federal government that is quite literally out of control. Even though the national media will never report it as such, the contract has been quite successful. One hundred percent of the contract was brought up for a vote in the House of Representatives, as was promised. Eight-eight percent was brought up for a vote in the Senate, and a full 57 percent of the Contract With America is now law. Get out of the way, Mr. Journet, the times they are a'changin'."

Saving the best for last, Donn Miller's chastisement of the Cal Thomas column shows us that the heart of liberalism is devoid of a moral base. Mr. Thomas suggested that God's blessing and protection will not rest on a nation that allows, not as random acts of individuals as Mr. Miller suggests, but through the consent of the Supreme Court the aborting of 34 million precious babies. We would be wise to heed the warning of the Hebrew prophet who said that the nation that forgets God would be turned into the grave. Mr. Miller even goes on to lay the blame for our nation's wars at the feet of "Bible thumpers." The many generations of God-honoring Americans who have defended our nations against foes foreign and domestic would have a different view of things. The liberal agenda seeks to create a world devoid of absolutes, devoid of personal responsibility and devoid of God that calls nations to obedience.

