Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Once again I realize what friendly and generous people live in Cape Girardeau. I re-learned this at the party given for volunteers at the Cape Senior Center where a good time was had by all.

Food donations came from Red Lobster, Prairie Farms, Fazoli's, Cauble & Field and Schnuck's. Door prizes came from Drury Inc, Wal-Mart, Red Lobster, Shoney's, Ponderosa, Pasta House and West Park 4 Cinema. Gift bags came from Option Care, Dr. Cozean, I.V. Care, Kies Eye Center, American Home Care, Southeast Missouri Hospital and the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Decorations came from the Christian School for the Young Years.

Thank you one and all. And to all senior citizens, an invitation to join us any weekday for food, fellowship and fun.

JOAN M. WEEKS, Secretary

Cape Senior Center

Cape Girardeau