Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

With all the media coverage of the Republican primaries, one would be led to believe that once one candidate gets enough delegates to win the nomination he will also have the November election in his hands. That is simply not so.

Only one of the candidates has a chance to win in November. That person is not Bob Dole. Dole's main problems are his tenure in the Senate and the fact he is just plain out of touch. As the Gen Xers come of voting age, they want someone they can relate to, and Dole is just too old. He represents a generation of Americans whose ideas and ideals are antiquated.

Pat Buchanan's stand against immigration has caused many minorities to fear him. His public admonishment of the gay and lesbian community has already caused many gay organization to come out against him. Buchanan's support for high tariffs on Japanese and Chinese goods has caused workers of large exporting companies to stay away.

Steve Forbes is in a better position to bring in moderates than either Dole or Buchanan, but his large spending has many people wondering if he is trying to buy the election. The flat-tax plan he endorses might be enticing and even a good idea, but it turns away many middle-class taxpayers, because they think that it is just designed to help get the rich richer.

Then there is Lamar Alexander. He had the ability to bring in moderates and even some Democrats, to unify and heal his party and to win the November election, but he couldn't get the nomination because the voters he needed were split four ways.

That is why, like it or not, Bill Clinton will win re-election.


Scott City