Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Well, I opened up the paper to yet another misguided and clueless letter about taxes, welfare and who is responsible for the current state of affairs in America.

Why does it always seem to be Person A (supposed literal, communist, gay, Democratic desturctor of America) and Person B (supposed conservative, WASP, homophobe, Republican oppressor of America) are always accusing each other of bringing down the house? Folks, it is time you got past politics. It is time you got past taxes. It is really about time you got past accusing and started to take a look at what and who makes up this still truly great country we call the United States of America.

I don't care if you are Republicans, Democrat, conservative or liberal. You can call yourself whatever you like. but do you really know what goes on in your own town, your own neighborhood or even in your own home? Do you ever stop to think why your opposition feels so strongly about their views? Do you ever stop to consider why and how we got the problems in America that fuel the fires of your never-ending bickering? Do you ever think about how you and your opponent can discuss and debate the problems in a way that actually gets something done? Or do you listen to some talking head on the news radio and take his twisted monologue as your creed and banner without ever trying to explore the situation on your own?

by the way, I have lived in the delta region all my life. I have never seen the mythical black welfare momma drive to town to get groceries in her new Cadillac. In fact, I have never seen anyone on welfare drive a new car. And if it was anthing close to a new car, you can certainly bet that it was not a $40,000 Chevy Suburban that gets 12 miles to the gallon. How did I find this fact out? Well, let's just say that I explored the situation on my own. I asked questions of the folks who live on welfare. I asked questions of the folks who work with welfare recipients and got the straight answers.

Sadly, cynicism has become the new American attitude. We have lost the skills of skepticism and debate. I guess it's easier to accuse and say your side is right.


Cape Girardeau