Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Without a doubt, the angels welcomed Donald Ford with open arms as he bid his life on Earth farewell. It was a precious moment for all the souls in Heaven.

Donald Ford lived up to all the tributes that were given to him. Nothing was too much for him to do. He was known to accept the bad with the good, and he was sure to make the good dominate. He was generous in every walk of life. Everything gave him a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

Donald Ford's mother was a Masterson. I knew the family well. Many years ago, Mr. Masterson was part owner of Taylor, Masterson and Lindson hardware store. It was one of the most prominent hardware stores in our city.

One day, I went in to purchase a much-needed item. However, the price was beyond my means. Seeing my disappointment, Mr. Masterson sold me the item at a price I could afford. I never forgot that. Much of that kindness was seen in Donald Ford.

How fortunate it would be for all of us if we could accept life such as Donald Ford did. If he felt pain, it was never revealed by him.

Thus Donald Ford fought the good fight and now has his crown of glory. It said kind words can be short, but their echoes are endless. Donald Ford's, though, will live on always.


Cape Girardeau