Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am really getting sick and tired of smokers talking about their rights. I can't understand for the life of me why smokers can't sit and eat at a restaurant for an hour and not smoke a cigarette. Are they that much of an addict?

When I go out to eat, I have just taken a bath, and I sure do not appreciate that nasty smoke smell on my body, much less breathing smoke into my lungs.

Would smokers like for me to start picking my nose while they are eating? That is about as sickening to me as smelling cigarette smoke.

And I especially love it when a smoker says he isn't the only one polluting the air. Smokers talk about car exhaust. We do have to drive, but smokers don't have to smoke. And what do you call it when smokers throw that cigarette butt out the car window or empty an ashtray in the street? Isn't there a law against that?

As far as other pollution, learn to recycle. I have. And don't tell me there isn't enough time. Do it in place of one of those times instead of smoking.

In closing, I would like for smokers to take a good look around: No smoking in grocery stores, hospitals, most business places and in most dining areas.

Also, a short message to both my parents who are smokers and I dearly love: Thank you for not smoking in my house. Most importantly, they do not smoke in front of me and their precious grandchildren in their house.


Cape Girardeau