Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The board of the Cape Girardeau Area Industrial Recruitment Association is in full support of the Cape Girardeau School District's bond issue which will be voted on April 1. The district's leadership and its various committees have worked tirelessly with the community to determine what our citizens what for our school system. The results will be voted on by the public. Vote yes twice.

A good quality educational system is critical for the expansion of existing companies and the recruitment of new industries to our area. Companies are seeking educated employees who can think and make critical decision on the job. A community that does not invest in its school system is a community that will never reach its full potential. A critical part of a good quality educational system is having facilities that the students, faculty, staff and citizens can be proud of. The improvements within the district's master plan are needed and are long overdue.

The Cape Girardeau Area Vocational-Technical School is one of our area's best selling points. The school and its staff do an outstanding job working with industry and training the work force for jobs that exist within our community. The existing building is overcrowded and does not meet all the needs of this outstanding school. An investment in a new vo-tech school would continue to help the growth in new jobs for our area.

Please vote yes twice on April 1.

D. MITCH ROBINSON, Executive Director

Cape Girardeau Area Industrial Recruitment Association

Cape Girardeau