Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The law says it's all right to kill babies. I'm not simply speaking of abortion, which has been tragically supported by the Supreme Court rulings for nearly a quarter-century. I'm speaking of a baby already in the process of being born, a baby whose tiny feet and legs are already fully visible, toes wiggling, knees flexing in a doctor's hands, a baby whose head is only inches away from emerging into the world, a baby whose lungs are only seconds away from filling with air. And then that baby's skull is brutally punctured and its brains suctioned out. And only then is the rest of the baby's dead body discarded. This is partial-birth abortion.

The American Medical Association's Council on Legislation voted unanimously to support a ban on partial-birth abortions, calling it "not a recognized medical technique" and "basically repulsive." Judge Robert Bork says it evidences "the brutalization of our culture" and "causes extreme pain to the baby."

This procedure is performed on completely healthy babies, usually 4 1/2 months after conception and often much later, even to full term. It is not, as claimed by pro-abortion groups, performed only on doomed or already dead babies.

By God's grace and the support of many concerned Christians, Congress was motivated to pass a ban on the horror of partial-birth abortion. That bill went to the president for his signature. He vetoed the measure. Clinton is so devoted to the cause of abortion that he would not agree to restrict even this most ghastly practice. This is murder by the grisliest method ever devised by man.

We now have another chance to get a ban through Congress. But we must unite. We must act decisively. We must act quickly. Now is the time to strike, with majorities in both houses of Congress at least officially opposing abortion. This situation calls for simultaneous measures. It requires divine intervention as well as human action. I call upon you today not only to petition the U.S. Senate, but also to petition Almighty God on behalf of innocent children as yet unborn who will face the skull-piercing tool of an abortionist unless God moves through us. Prayer, the faithful, fervent prayers of God's people, can make a supernatural difference. Pray that he will embolden our legislators, that he will soften the heart of the president, that the voices of those who support abortion will fall on deaf ears. Pray that no more babies will be murdered.

Write letters to your elected legislators in the U.S. Senate asking them to support a new bill banning partial-birth abortion. Do it today. May God bless you richly.


Cape Girardeau