Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

On behalf of the Cape Girardeau Police Department, I would like to extend our appreciation to the journalists and photographers from the Southeast Missouri who participated in the recent 24-hour ride-along.

As a result of the articles, I have received many positive comments from officers and citizens.

In addition to the benefits of our agencies' working closely together, the excellent stories and photographs provided a comprehensive perspective of daily law enforcement in Cape Girardeau.

During their ride-alongs, your reporters and photographers demonstrated a sincere interest in our profession and operations, which was appreciated and welcomed by our officers and employees. I believe this endeavor will enhance our partnership as we continue to work together for the benefit of the Cape Girardeau community.

RICHARD L. HETZEL, Chief of Police

Cape Girardeau