Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

We have a former principal of public schools who would be about the greatest person living for whom to name our new school. It is Melvin Gateley. Come on public, let's get Melvin Gateley's name on the new public school.

He is volunteering his time each day in some capacity to better Cape Girardeau. Yes, he serves on the City Council. Yes, he keeps the roses trimmed and fed down by the river and along the streets. He is there to help any project that betters our city.

He richly deserves this honor, having given so much of himself through the years to our young people in the schools and his church.

Let's not wait until he is no longer on this Earth and then give him some reward -- let's give it to him now while he can appreciate the fact that we thank him big time for what he has given to this community and for the years that he gave as a teacher and principal in our school system.


Cape Girardeau