Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

The 1998 Cape Girardeau Regional Air Festival has long gone, but the Southeast Missourian's endeavors to help make the festival a great success have not been forgotten. Your contribution was overwhelming, from the front page of Tipoff to your assistance with advertising, the show program and our event posters. We cannot say enough good things about your staff and the true professionalism they exhibited in helping us advertise and market this year's air festival. We could not have produced an event of this size without your participation, as well as the many other companies and individuals who contributed their time, money and manpower. Plans are already well under way for the 1999 air festival, but people are still talking about this year's show as one of the best they have seen.

BRUCE W. LOY, Manager

Cape Girardeau Regional Airport

Cape Girardeau