Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I read the Sept. 28 letter, "This list has grown too long already," by Ms. Poole and was shocked and horrified that such conduct is going on here in the Midwest and even in our nation's capital.

If this lady can collect this many cases of very probably illegal conduct, how much more must be in the files of the FBI and the Justice Department? Has the conspiracy of cover-up, such as the fund-raising conduct of the Democrats, extended to many of these acts of violence?

When a pregnant lady is killed by a shot in the back of her head and it is ruled a suicide, something is wrong with our justice system.

We are not living in Nazi Germany, Russia or Iraq where getting rid of enemies of the country's leaders was common. Is the same thing happening here? Is there some Mafia-type of killing going on here in Midwest America?

I hope Ms. Poole's letter about these deaths and killings will somehow bring some action to stop any conspiracy and the cover-up and bring some long-needed justice for these terrible crimes.


Cape Girardeau