Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

So President Clinton has an affair and tried to cover it up. What else is new in Washington? What else is new in your hometown? What else is new in Republicanville?

The Clinton-Lewinsky matter has nothing to do with justice. It's a dirty political war being waged by the Republicans to get Clinton any way they can. Clinton headhunter Ken Starr's bloodhounds have been nipping at Clinton's heels for five long years.

Clinton did too good a job, and they hate him. Employment is high. Business is robust and stable with little inflation. Instead of arguing about how to solve the Republicans' deficit, they are arguing about how to spend Clinton's surplus. Clinton does not fall asleep at Cabinet meetings nor vomit at the Japanese economic giants' dinner table.

Obstruction of justice by Clinton, they say. Obstruction of what justice? There was no crime, no victim and no complaints. They're trying to impeach a president on that? Don't make me laugh. Out here a judge would throw this case out and admonish the prosecutor.

We all believe the character of those on the Judiciary Committee should be above the character of the person they are judging. Can you believe the Republicans' choice for chairman of the Judiciary Committee is Henry Hyde, a man who seduced a young married mother of three, sneaking behind her husband's back while secretly having sex with hear, causing her husband to divorce her? Attaboy, Henry. Have your fund and sit in judgment of Clinton, who did less. And Republican Dan Burton got a young single girl pregnant, and she bore his son, but Dan, like Henry, kept his marriage together. Way to go, Danny Boy. Republicans sure know how to have fun, commit adultery, hide it, cover it up and pose as outstanding citizens. You guys know how to live and get by with it.

I'm surprised that John Ashcroft hasn't complained bitterly about the lack of character of his fellow Republicans, since they are worse than Clinton, his favorite whipping boy.

I suggest the Republicans call in their junkyard dogs, pay all of Clinton's legal bills and go back home to their mistresses, affairs and fathering children outside their marriages.If they ever get their own lives cleaned up, come back to Washington. The Democrats will have the country in such good shape they can start picking on them again.

When the hype, hysteria and scam artistry are replaced by reality, the majority will find the Republicans repugnant for their abuse of power while in control of Congress.

Am I defending Clinton's conduct? No. I am defending his rights, which the weak-spined Democrats in Washington who put their moistened fingers in the air daily to see which way the wind is blowing are afraid to do.

The worst thing that could happen to this country is for the Republicans to have control of Congress and the White House at the same time.

