Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Sometime in our lifetime, we look in the mirror to see who or what is behind our eyes. Eventually we realize that the soul is looking back at us.

We can ask, Does the soul drive the body, or does the body drive the soul?

We know that there is short-term pleasure in sin. Does the soul drive the same pleasure as the body? Is the soul as depraved as the body?

We know that the body becomes dirt. We know that the soul lives forever. We know that the body is a container for the soul.

Jesus Christ did not come to save you and me. Jesus Christ came to save the soul that is in you and me.

Therefore, I conclude that the soul, for whatever reason, is rebellious. It is the soul that rejects or accepts reconciliation (salvation).

Is this why the body and soul continue to sin after reconciliation? Is this why there is no perfection in man?

This is not an excuse for our behavior. It is a reason for our behavior.

