Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I was delighted to see in the Missourian both the picture of the Social Science Building at Southeast Missouri State University where I attended class and that of former Congressman Albert Sidney Johnson Carnahan for whom the building is to be named. What could be more appropriate, who could be more deserving, and what an honor, indeed, for Albert Carnahan.

As a student at the university, it did not take long to learn of Albert Carnahan's extraordinary intelligence, his skill and his accomplishments. Like most young girls at age 18, I had many crushes. Albert Carnahan numbered among them. He was very handsome and much the gentleman -- so different from today's low morals and political unrest.

It is nice to be able to say I even had several dates with Albert Carnahan. What was it like? We rode around in his car, bought a sack of candy and just talked. Romantic? It was then.


Cape Girardeau