Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Once again our hearts and souls are torn and wounded by another horror, this time at Westside Middle School near Jonesboro, Ark. Suddenly whole communities are holding prayer vigils in remembrance of the martyred. How long will our resolve to do something last? A week? A month? Several months? Will it happen here? Would should we do? We already have metal detectors in many schools around the United States, as well as uniformed guards, and in other schools the guards are even armed. Now there is talk of putting security cameras in schools. Perhaps we should also put bars on the windows to really keep the children safe.

Parents are afraid of their children, because the children have learned that their parents are confused and think they are powerless to do anything. We are a nation gripped in silent terror, because long ago when we allowed a few loudmouths to protest prayer in schools, we said we wouldn't want anyone to be offended, so we won't mention God anymore in our schools. Then we became selfish and grasping, and men began inventing new toy, including mind-numbing computer games. Have any of us looked at what they are playing? Can't we see how violent these games are?

What can we do? Go to the polls on Election Day. Know what your legislators' agendas are and their voting records are. If you don't know, contact SEMO Lifesavers at 335-0665, and they will let you know. Vote with a clear head and a good conscience. Expect all of our elected officials to have character and good morals. Come together with other parents and citizens to support pro-life activities regularly.

We can begin to take our children's minds back by going to the sidewalks just off of school grounds and handing out pro-God literatures, pro-life literature, literature of hope. You can encourage your schools and churches to bring in Penny Lea, a wonderful pro-life youth speaker and counselor. Thanks to the generosity of the Jansens and the Drurys and to the hard work of Teresa LeGrand, we have had this wonderful, healing speaker in our area just about every other month from North Carolina. Of course, we can start attending church and praying, and we should fast and do penance. One day of prayer is good, but many days is better.


Cape Girardeau