Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In the town of Anywhere, USA, not so very long ago,

The townsfolk became quite upset (or so they tell me so).

All this turmoil, all this strife, all this noise

Over something once thought innocent or "boys will be boys."

It seems that Jeff and Jim, the twins of James and Mary Smith,

Sneaked into their grandpa's room and stole cigars and a fifth.

They went behind the school (would could know it would cause a row?)

A nosy neighbor saw them, and she called the law.

The local sheriff (to keep federal funds)

Had to notify the proper authorities (feds in charge of liquor and guns).

They told the boys, "You've don it now, broken a federal law.

No drugs. No guns on school grounds, and the feds have got you now.

No longer home with Mom and Dad. You'll go to juvenile hall.

They'll put you in rehabilitation. This will help protect us all."

Grandpa's been put in a home under watchful care.

Contributing to the delinquency of minors is what will keep him there.

Mom and Dad have lost their sons, and Grandpa's lost his faith.

None of them will come out of this ordeal unharmed or unscathed.

Child endangerment must be taken seriously. It's the law of our land.

It's everyone's responsibility to follow our government's plan.

The whole town is abuzz, for what harm was really done

Except to private citizens who have really hurt no one?

Could it be that in our zest to make the world a better place

We've quite forgotten what's most important to the human race?


Marble Hill