Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to respond to the recent comment in Speak Out concerning athletics and academics in our local school district.

Athletics is a component of a school district that serves the needs and provides opportunities for a large number of students in our school system. The 130 football players, 30 soccer team members, 32 softball players, 55 basketball players and 105 track athletes are just a few examples of the student athletes involved in our sports activities. There are many more participating in our other sports, and when you include the parents and fans, a very large number of people are involved.

Our school district concentrates very heavily on academics first, as evidenced by the number of students receiving academic scholarships, scoring above the state average on standardized tests and continuing their education at colleges and universities.Our student athletes score higher that the average student because dedication and hard work apply to both.

Our athletic program provides revenue that offsets three-fourths of our sports budget and provides opportunities for clubs and activities to earn money through concessions. Our athletic director spends countless time and energy to make sure things are done right, and anyone who truly knows our school system believes this. The total athletic budget is less than 2 percent of our district's expenditures, and I think the gains and rewards connected to this extracurricular areas far outweigh what it costs in dollars.

Our school system has and always will concentrate on academics first. That is our mission. When a person points out athletics or extracurricular activities as a cause of financial difficulties, then the argument is selfish, weak and without merit.

JERRY DEMENT, Parent, teacher and coach

Central High School

Cape Girardeau