Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

According to smokers, they have the right to smoke anywhere they want. Here are the rights of the smoker's family: the right to sign permits for a ventilator with an endotracheal tube, a catheter and an arterial line.

My mother had no thyroid due to cancer. She had a hysterectomy, was a diabetic, had glaucoma and had the beginnings of cataracts. Her lungs were shot because of emphysema. Her heart did an irregular rhythm. The doctors believe her aorta threw at least six blood clots to her brain to make her a possible vegetable. Her kidneys were failing.

I forgot to mention my two sisters, brother, father and I had the right to sign the permit to give my mother compassionate care, which means you take everything away including nutrition. The doctor said he did not think she would suffer because of the high carbon monoxide level in her bloodstream.

We moved her to a private room and watcher her gasp and rattle for 16 hours. When they asked for organ donations, I almost laughed. She had nothing left to donate.

My mom was a heavy smoker, and she left us too soon at 65 years of age. We love you, Mom. Please, people. Don't smoke.


Cape Girardeau