Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In this day and time of the everyday hustle and bustle of our own lives and problems, we sometimes fail to notice the needs of others around us.

I'm sure much kindness was shown during the recent storm and its aftermath. However, we would like to publicly say a special thanks to a Scott City man, Gary Gibbs, a new neighbor of ours whom we had never met until after the storm.

We had our roof damaged and had to replace the wiring running into our home. We also had numerous other problems.

Due to my husband's health, he was unable to do any repair work himself and was unable to find an electrician.

On Tuesday, Mr. Gibbs came offer and offered his assistance.

He told my husband to go on to work the next day and he would take care of everything -- the roof and pick up the parts needed to replace the wiring to the house. He even offered to take our meat in the freezer to the frozen-food locker. He got everything ready for the electrical crews to turn our electricity on.

After all this man did for us, he wouldn't take a dime for his help. He said he had always wanted to do good things for others, and this was his chance.

Although we missed the Random Acts of Kindness Week by a few days, we truly think this was a random act of kindness.

If the world had more special people like Mr. Gibbs showing their kindness all year long, it would be a much better place to live.

I'm proud to know we have such a good neighbor, and we will be forever grateful.

Although without power for 58 hours, it would have been a lot longer without his help. Mr. Gibbs has certainly proven to us that there are still angels among us.

Thank you, Gary Gibbs.


Scott City