Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

In the May 17 paper I say a pretty senior with her precious son and thought nothing of it. I pulled out that same paper on Friday because there was so much criticism of her and her son. I saw nothing of her marital status.

Let's take away her picture in our imagination and replace it with a childless senior. Physically, this picture would meet the moral expectations of those who were critical. But can you tell me if this childless senior has ever smoked, done drugs, had sex or had a beer? I am sure there are a lot of seniors who have never done the above, but sadly some parents are teaching their children to judge what you see.

I saw where Lee Watson mentioned the killings in the schools. Did you listen to why these children are killing others? They do not fit in. Watson said the senior's child was a mistake. How would he feel in the future if one of his classmates called him a mistake?

Hold your head high, Ms. McCoy. You should be proud of graduating.

By the way, I will continue to get the paper.


Cape Girardeau