Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Once in a great while, Missourians are faced with an issue entailing such controversy it divides families, professions and sometimes communities. One recent issue was Proposition B, which would have given qualified citizens the right to carry concealed firearms.

Give the degree of interest in Proposition B, there appeared to be an unquenchable thirst for information regarding the provisions of this proposed law. I would like to comment the Southeast Missourian and specifically Mark Bliss for the excellent series of articles addressing Proposition B. The Southeast Missourian not only researched and addressed a variety of experiences with firearms, but identified the provisions of similar statutes in other states. Additionally, the Southeast Missourian published Proposition B not once, but twice, so readers could carefully study this critical issue.

Whether one agrees with the outcome of the April 6 election, I think we could all agree the Southeast Missourian did a fine job providing accurate and timely information to our community.

RICHARD L. HTEZEL, Chief of Police

Cape Girardeau