Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The Feb. 12 Southeast Missourian had an article that really tells just what Jesus means when he says, "They give me lip service, but their heart is far from me." I am referring to the Methodist ministers who are rebelling against their church and supporting gay marriages. I wonder if these ministers ever really read the Bible. In Revelation, when Jesus talks to the churches, he says seven times, "Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

We are not allowed to conform the Bible to fit our lifestyle. We are supposed to conform our lifestyle to fit the Bible.

The Bible is very clear about the punishment that will come to the gay community if it will not repent and change its lifestyle.

I encourage Methodist church leaders to hold fast to their principles. Do not give into the liberal policies that are destroying this country and Christian churches everywhere.

Do not give Jesus only lip service. The Bible is very clear that those who are the chosen ones are those who obey the commandments with how they conduct their lives. I am in no way saying that I am free of sin. I still have many things to work on to try to get closer to God.

We need to pray for all, not just gays, who live by the pleasures of the flesh which brings condemnation, and totally disregard the pleasures of the spirit of God, who is truth and brings eternal life.

