Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Your Aug. 13 editorial provided a great overview of the future Cape Girardeau nature center. The editorial correctly states, "Much of the building will be constructed with recycled materials and contain environmentally friendly features." The Conservation Department endeavors to use wisdom and common sense to design a building. However, the department is not doing this just to make a point. Our intention is to find ways to do environmentally friendly construction that is cost-effective.

It makes good sense to use resources wisely. The future depends on finding wise conservation methods and promoting them.

The nature center will use the building as a teaching tool. A healthy environment and construction can coexist. We intend to demonstrate that principle to the best of our ability and within reason. We will take a thoughtful approach in evaluating building materials and techniques. The result will be a building that fits within a standard construction budget and has a low impact on available resources. We are confident that Southeast Missouri will be proud of this nature center and the message it conveys.


Outreach and Education Regional Supervisor

Missouri Department of Conservation

Cape Girardeau