Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently several Democrats have used Speak Out to demonize Republicans for utilizing various government programs including Social Security, going so far as relating it to accepting welfare. As an ardent Republican I would like to take this opportunity to respond.

First, Social Security. I recently received my Social Security benefits statement and discovered that I made my first "contribution" to the world's poorest conceived retirement program at age 14 when I had a paper route, and I have had a portion of every nickel I have made confiscated to support this system for the past 33 years. What am I supposed to do when I retire: Say I oppose this system, so just keep all the money confiscated from me for what will be at that time 50-plus years? Yes, I oppose the Social Security system as currently set up, but as long as I have been forced to participate during the "contribution" period of my life, I will most definitely participate during the collection period as well.

As for various other government programs, we hardworking Republicans are paying the bulk of the taxes that are used to fund these programs. It can hardly be called "welfare" if you are the one paying the bill, now can it? I suppose you would expect me to pay for a cart full of food at the grocery, then leave it sit in the parking lot for someone else to take.

So, in short, as long as we Republicans are helping to pay the band, we shall most definitely participate in the dance, thank you very much.


Advance, Mo.