Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It seems that every time you pick up the paper there is a story about someone suing someone because his coffee was too hot, his ice cream was too cold or he did not wear a helmet on a motorbike.

I would like to share a story of another kind, a story of professional behavior and caring. I had a serious eye problem that happened quickly. Dr. Tilley of Anna, Ill., examined me despite a heavy schedule on Tuesday and immediately referred me to Eye Care Specialists in Cape Girardeau.

Despite the fact that it was past 4 p.m. when my husband and I arrived, the staff was waiting for us and quickly began rushing the paperwork and started medical procedures. Dr. Mark C. Montag and his entire staff stayed on the job until my eye was repaired. There were office personnel who remained to see how I would come out of it. At no time were we treated in any way except professionally, and with caring and compassion.

I want to acknowledge that treatment. The result is that I still have my right-eye vision because I was within hours of losing precious sight. I want to share with your readers a good story about a truly fine medical team at Eye Care Specialists. They are the finest.


Pulaski, Ill.