

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

We arrive at the 365th day of 1991 without regret ... or much choice in the matter. The calendar will turn over at midnight, a year set to be rung out and another ready be rung in. While it is a mere exercise of ephemeral bookkeeping, the holiday known as New Year's Day releases us annually to look backward and then forward. As Americans and residents of this region, we have a lot to ponder ... and to be pleased with.

Hopefully, we grow wiser with the passing of any year. What did we learn in 1991? As Americans, people accustomed to and protective of our liberty, we learned a little more about freedom, its price, its value and it risks.

Operation Desert Storm proved to us that freedom is a hard-won possession. In turning back aggression in the Middle East, American fighting forces served notice that tyrants will not have a free run on freedom-loving nations.

The demise gradually, then suddenly of the Soviet Union proved that democratic passions run deep, even (and perhaps especially) in nations that have had little exposure to freedom this century. With the disintegration of a superpower, one that was angled toward oppressive behavior and strategy, America shines more brightly than ever as a symbol of how people prefer governance.

In a year when the U.S. Bill of Rights celebrated its 200th birthday, America also witnessed injurious side effects stemming from some freedoms. The Senate confirmation hearings of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas demonstrated that damaging allegations, once subjected to public light, are impossible to withdraw. Freedom of speech carries with it responsibility; were words not such powerful instruments, for their capacity of both good and ill, constitutional protection would be unnecessary.

Our nation and region have felt the effects this year of an economic downturn. Though the fiscal picture is uncertain, our area seems suited to withstand precarious times. Cape Girardeau continues to show itself as a location where plans are in place for growth and the quality of life remains high. If these aren't boom times, nor are the horizons very dark. As 1992 approaches, we confidently assert that this community and its environs are as nice as any place on the planet for realizing hopes, for raising families and, generally, for being. Our optimism is boundless in this regard.

Bring on the new year.