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Dear Editor:

Although not a resident of Cape Girardeau, I am in full accord with The Public Mind letter signed last week by four men which in effect says: "Do not mess up the Show Me Center." In my opinion, this beautiful structure is, in architect's terminology, a closed unit. Adding to it would give the impression of a "lean-to." Would anyone ever think of concocting an addition to the Jackson courthouse?

Also, is it necessary? How often does an overflow crowd appear at the Show Me Center? Is it wise economy to spend a large sum of money for these very rare occasions? A "full house" and how often does this occur at the center? is good psychology. You may prefer to think of it as good PR.

Finally, building annexes nearly always exceed the estimated cost by a huge margin. So many unforeseen needs surface here, there and yonder. Overrun cost can remind us of congressional operations.

My blunt advice is: Keep any annex plans for the Show Me Center in limbo.

Walter J. Keisker
