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To the Editor:

I am writing to let the public know that there still are a lot of good Christian young people in this old world today. Hat's off to Mike Rouggly my modern day Good Samaritan!

Recently, I ran out of gas at the I-55 overpass between Jackson and Cape Girardeau, on my way to an interview at the Missouri Department of Conservation Office.

I got out and locked my car and was prepared to walk to the Conservation Office. After two cars had passed, a young man in a pickup truck stopped and asked if I had a problem. I said, yes I do, and I know the problem is I'm out of gas, but the most pressing problem is that I have an interview at 9:30 a.m. and it is already 9:15 a.m. He said he would be glad to take me if I would just tell him how to get there, so we were on our way. I told him to turn at the flag at the North County Park. He told me his name, which I did not remember, but I did remember that he said he was a member of Mount Auburn Christian Church and that he lived near Calvin Phillips off Route D. During our conversation I told him that I was a member of First Baptist Church in Jackson and how much I appreciated his kindness and concern.

He insisted on putting gas in my car, refusing to take any payment, not even for the gas he was buying for ~my car. His comment was, just consider it from one Christian to another, we are supposed to help each other.

I went through my interview and having finished the first session, I was told that someone needed ~my car keys. This young man had~~ returned to give me a ride back to my car, but I wasn't finished yet. I assured him that I could find someone to take me back to my car. My daughter-in-law's boss was kind enough to let her leave early to pick me up. As I was relating this incident to her, I realized I did not know the young man's name, only the church he attended and where he lived.

A few days later, I remembered that our church has a directory, and possibly his church did also, and, if so, I would recognize his picture. I called the church office and the secretary told me they had a directory, but when I told her why I needed it, she said if you can tell me where he lives I can probably tell you his name. She immediately said Mike Rouggly, which I recognized as ~my Good~ Samaritan's name. I was so please to know his name so that I could send him a thank you note.

I want to say in closing that I firmly believe that ~God was watching over me and that there was a special purpose for this mee~ting.

Remember, the future of our great country, America, lies in the hands of these fine young people.

Jeanette Bollinger
