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Starting Jan. 1 most of Southeast Missouri will be in a new telephone area code: 573. This is the result of a decision by the Missouri Public Service Commission to split the existing 314 area code into two calling areas. Metropolitan St. Louis will keep the 314 code, while most of the rest of that calling area will get the new number.

While some telephone customers in the 314 area may complain about getting a new code, the geographic split is far better than the overlay play sought by Southwestern Bell Telephone and others. That plan would have mixed area codes within the same area, which would have been terribly confusing.

There may be another advantage to the geographic split. Most callers who make long-distance calls within the existing area code pay higher rates than if they make a long-distance call to another area code. Thus, calling St. Louis after Jan. 1 could be less expensive, thanks to the area code split.

This distinction may be short-lived, however. Competition among long-distance carriers is fierce, and rates are lower than ever. Changes that appear to be coming on the federal level would make long-distance calling even more competitive.

Come Jan. 1 it will take awhile to adjust to the new area code. But soon 573 will be just as familiar as 314.