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Cape Girardeau's taxi coupon program geared up for a new year July 1. The program provides a cost-effective means of public transportation that is well utilized by city residents.

Primarily, the program targets those residents over the age of 60 and disabled persons. These taxi riders pay just $1 for a coupon and can purchase a book of 16 coupons each month. A much smaller number of coupons are available to the general public for $2.

The city has subsidized the taxi program with Kelley Transportation since 1981. The program will cost an estimated $270,500 this year. Coupon sales reimburse $104,760 of the cost. Half of the remainder, about $82,870, comes from the city's general fund. A federal grant pays for the rest.

The program continues to be very popular, with more than 75,000 coupons used last year. But there's still room for growth. As many as 84,600 $1 coupons may be sold during the year and about 10,000 $2 coupons.

The taxi coupon program provides door-to-door transportation that just can't compare with other methods of public transportation in terms of costs or convenience.