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There will be a new man at the helm of the Jackson Public Schools come June 30. Superintendent Wayne Maupin is retiring after 26 years of service. Dr. Howard Jones, a superintendent of schools in Stillwater, Okla., has been chosen as his replacement.

Dr. Jones has some big shoes to fill.

Maupin started with the district as a physical education teacher, and worked his way up through the ranks. He was named superintendent in July 1988. The district has grown tremendously since that time, and Maupin has worked to ensure orderly growth. The district is one of the fastest growing in Southeast Missouri: 3,200 students in 1988 and 3,900 today.

Part of that orderly growth has meant new buildings: Orchard Elementary School, a multipurpose building, converting a large elementary school to high school use, a new transportation facility, and a middle school that will be completed in 45 days.

Under Maupin's leadership, the district has met the growth challenge admirably. Jackson will miss his down-to-earth temperament and roll-up-his-sleeves enterprise.