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The Southeast Missourian marks a milestone this week. This newspaper began its 93rd year of service on Thursday.

It was on Oct. 3, 1904, that two brothers, Fred and George Naeter, resurrected the defunct Daily Republican newspaper. The pair -- soon joined by a third brother, Harry Naeter -- worked hard from the beginning to produce a newspaper with a commitment to the community and to quality.

The Naeters promised an "up-to-date, newsy newspaper, one that will be a credit to the enterprising city" it represents.

Over the years, this commitment has remained at the center of the newspaper's operations. Everyone at the Southeast Missourian takes pride in the high quality of the newspaper, which has been recognized time and time again through various awards for excellence in the areas of circulation, advertising and news.

The changing world of technology has made an impact on virtually every facet of our lives. Newspapers too have found ways to use this technology to improve and expand content and services. The Southeast Missouri can proudly say that it is on the cutting edge of technology -- in some cases even leading the way for the industry.

This, it is hoped, maintains the spirit of the Naeter brothers whose commitment to excellence is still a daily hallmark.