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The new Dempster Hall of Business at Southeast Missouri State University was dedicated with great fanfare last week in a ceremony attended by Gov. Mel Carnahan, former university presidents Bill Stacy and Kala Stroup and other dignitaries. It was fitting that such a fine, state-of-the art building opened to such a splendid ceremonial dedication.

Stacy was Southeast's president in the early 1980s when the late Robert A. Dempster suggested to him the importance of beginning a private foundation to support the university and its many projects. As Stacy told the assembled crowd of 500, Dempster and his widow Lynn were always the first to write a generous check to kick off any fund appeal, in this case for $1 million. Like the magnificent building itself, the many millions raised since then from thousands of donors are tremendous tributes to the generosity and vision of the Dempsters. For both Mrs. Dempster and Stacy, it was an emotional moment to speak of the Dempster legacy and all it means for so many who will follow.

Housed in the new building is the Donald L. Harrison School of Business. It is fitting indeed that Harrison's gift of $2 million and his tireless service to the university should be so memorialized. For decades, Harrison has been known far and wide as a leader in the field of road contracting. His business acumen is legendary. Now he has given back to the university and region where he got his start.

Perched on a hill with magnificent views of the Mississippi River and the hills of Illinois to the east, outfitted with the latest in computers, fiber optics and satellite communications, the Dempster Hall of Business symbolizes great promise for our entire region.