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Motorists on their way to work today will see a familiar sight: A couple of hundred volunteers hawking the Southeast Missourian's special YELL edition to raise funds for literacy programs.

This is the sixth year for the special Youth Education Literacy and Learning project. It is a cooperative effort of the Southeast Missourian, the Area Wide United Way, local businesses and dozens of organizations that provide volunteers to stand on street corners in Cape Girardeau, Jackson and Scott City to sell the YELL edition.

Some 10,000 of the special editions, wrapped around today's regular edition of the newspaper, will be sold. Even regular subscribers can participate by purchasing one or more copies of the YELL edition, because they know the money raised will help fund important literacy programs in the area.

So if you see the YELL hawkers between 6 and 9 a.m. today, stop and buy a copy. Your support and interest is greatly appreciated by all those who have worked so hard to make YELL a success again this year.