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When the Area Wide United Way comes calling, the fund-raising organization wants potential contributors to understand how vital these dollars are to so many local agencies. Through the second annual Days of Caring, employees who contribute through a company-sponsored donation are asked to see how their money is being spent by volunteering a few hours at a United Way agency.

Sept. 6 and 7 have been targeted this year as the Days of Caring, although volunteers are welcome to give hours outside this time frame.

United Way is more than just dollars and cents. It is people helping people. This project emphasizes the personal touch and drives the message home that communities need to help themselves.

The Area Wide United Way kicks off its 1996 drive on Sept. 4. This second annual Days of Caring is a great way to get the ball rolling for a truly worthy cause.

It is sometimes easy to turn down an outstretched hand from a business suit. But down in the trenches, volunteers will see how much difference a few dollars can make.