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The Salvation Army in Cape Girardeau has might what be called a "good problem." The thrift store is overflowing with donated items, and ways are being sought to ease the crunch.

Part of this good problem is a result of the generosity of area residents who have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to help other in need. Rather than throw away good used items, more and more residents are delivering these goods to the thrift store in hopes they can help someone else.

The thrift store makes some money for the Salvation Army, but its main purpose is to redistribute items to those in need either at a reasonable cost or for free. People in need who don't have money to pay for such basic items as clothing and cooking utensils can get vouchers from the Salvation Army to be used at the thrift store.

Overall, the Salvation Army provides so many good programs for the community. Right now, though, it could do with a little less generosity in the area of donations to the thrift store. Other ways of helping have been suggested, such as selling items at garage sales and donating the money to the Salvation Army.

Clearly the Salvation Army deserves to be the beneficiary of strong community support, and the community surely will respond in a positive way to this particular situation.