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It isn't often that a member of the Southeast Missourian's staff is the subject of an editorial. But Don Shrubshell, a staff photographer for the newspaper, is an exception.

Shrubshell has long been a familiar person at the scenes of crimes and accidents, taking photos for the newspaper and gathering information to help readers understand the work of law enforcement agencies.

More than that, Shrubshell has a good sense of timing when it comes to being in the right spot at the right time, aided by an elaborate array of equipment to monitor police activity.

This week, Shrubshell was commended in a letter to the editor from Police Chief Richard Hetzel in Cape Girardeau. The chief cited two recent instances in which the photographer's assistance had led to the apprehension of individuals sought by the police. Last year, Shrubshell spotted someone else officers were looking for and was able to direct them to the right location.

Shrubshell's involvement represents the highest form of citizen involvement in maintaining law and order. We join the police chief and others in saluting his fine efforts.