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Anyone who meets Dr. Jean Chapman likes him right away. He is one of those individuals who makes you feel comfortable, like an old acquaintance, even though you have just met.

After 38 years of medical practice, Dr. Chapman is planning to retire. Well, sort of.

He will be giving up his medical practice in which he specialized in the field of allergies and immunology. He will then serve a year as president of the American College of Allergy and Immunology. And then he will be able to do all the other things he has an interest in. These include art, particularly sculpting, photography and writing. He already has a couple of books in mind, including stories about patients he has know over the years.

The Cape Girardeau native has so many plans, in fact, that it wouldn't be correct to say he is retiring. Just shifting gears.

Good luck, Dr. Chapman, and best regards from all the friends and patients you have known over the years.