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Monday will mark the last of three community meetings to answer questions about the Cape Girardeau School District's bond issue that will be on the ballot April 1. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Central Junior High School.

The first two meetings were sparsely attended: 20 at the first hearing, a dozen patrons at the next. This low turnout may actually be an indicator of community support.

The district is trying hard to answer questions of taxpayers about the April 1 vote. In addition to the community meetings, people can leave a message at 334-2816 or 334-2817. A school official will return all calls.

Lack of organized opposition can be a blessing as long as it doesn't translate into apathy at the polls. The school district is working hard to garner 5,500 "Yes" votes. This pro-active stance is likely to pay off at the polls.